What are Frequently Asked Questions for Mommy Makeovers?

A mommy makeover is an increasingly popular cosmetic surgery choice for women who are struggling to return to their pre-baby shape through diet and exercise alone. This combination procedure addresses the most important and common body image concerns that affect women following pregnancy and childbirth, transforming their entire body at once. Unsurprisingly, those who choose this procedure have many questions about what is involved and what to expect. While your mommy makeover surgeon will be happy to answer them at your consultation appointment, we’ve also put together this list of the most frequently asked questions about mommy makeovers and their answers.
What procedures are included in a mommy makeover?
A mommy makeover is tailored to the individual needs of each patient as not everyone will have the same body image concerns. This means that exactly what procedures will be included in yours will be based on what you have identified as areas of your body that you would most like to change. However, most mommy makeovers target the most obvious changes caused by pregnancy and birth, and typically include:
Breast lift surgery
Breast augmentation (with implants or body fat)
These procedures can help to restore the body to its original contours and appearance prior to childbearing.
What is the main benefit of a mommy makeover?
As we know, a mommy makeover is a combination of cosmetic surgery procedures all performed at the same time. The main benefit of doing this is to allow patients to achieve a rapid transformation, while also experiencing the benefits of just one overall operation and one, albeit more intensive, recovery period. This is generally much more convenient for busy moms who can’t necessarily find enough time or assistance to undergo several procedures, each with their own preparation and recovery period.
I’m still losing weight, when should I schedule my mommy makeover for?
Weight loss can affect skin laxity, leading to drooping and excess skin. This means that if you lose weight following your mommy makeover, it could affect the overall outcome of your surgical result. Most plastic surgeons recommend that in most instances, patients wait until they have achieved their ideal healthy weight before undergoing a mommy makeover. For similar reasons, mommy makeover plastic surgeons also tend to advise patients to save their mommy makeover for after they have finished having children altogether.
I’m still breastfeeding, will I have to wait for my mommy makeover?
If you are still breastfeeding, you will almost certainly be recommended to avoid any sort of surgical procedure, including a mommy makeover. This is because any of the medications that will be needed, including anesthetic and antibiotics, can be passed to your baby in your breast milk. Your breast size may also fluctuate while you are nursing, so it’s best to wait until your child is fully weaned.
How long will it take me to recovery after a mommy makeover?
Recovery after a mommy makeover can vary depending on which procedures you have had, your own rate of healing and how well you adhere to the post-op guidance provided by your surgical team. However, most patients make a full recovery between 2 and 6 weeks following their procedure. You will need to allow yourself plenty of time to rest and recover, and so you will need someone to help you take care of your family and home. Make sure you have this sorted ahead of your procedure so that you can relax while you heal. Ask your mommy makeover surgeon for a more accurate estimate for your recovery based on your circumstances.
For more information about mommy makeovers, or to schedule a mommy makeover in McKinney TX, please call (469) 675-3659 to speak to the knowledgeable plastic surgery team at Clark Plastic Surgery.